
Support artists innovating

Donate to ESS!

Over a quarter of ESS's budget each year comes from modest (under $50) donations by individuals in our community.

With this support, we pay humans innovating, creating, and experimenting every day. Nearly 80% of ESS’s annual expenses go directly to artist fees, engineers, curators, fellows, contractors, and a small—but mighty!—staff that puts on all the programs at ESS.

(another way to support humans!) —>


In-Kind Contributions

ESS gladly accepts support in the form of donated services, products, and promotions that help supplement our programming.

Employee Matching Gifts

Double your support by securing a matching contribution from your employer. Corporations that provide matching support will be recognized on ESS’s website.

Corporate Support

As a Corporate Donor, your support is more than a donation—it is an investment in the legacy and future of improvised music. ESS is happy to work with its Corporate Sponsors to tailor a benefits package that best suits their community goals and directives.

Please contact Olivia Junell with questions or for more information regarding Corporate Sponsorship, Matching Gifts, or In-Kind Contributions.